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Civil Rights Lawyers

If you’re interested in helping defend people from prejudice and social mistreatment, whether it’s on the job or even out in the world, then you should look into being a lawyer in the field of civil rights. Although prejudice has gone down since the initial creation of the 14th Amendment, it’s still there and there is still a need of civil rights lawyers. Regardless of what most people think about the amendment and saying it only considers race, it also considers all forms of people including those who create unfair biases on people based on sex, gender, religion, sexuality, age or even a physical condition that they may have.

This type of attorney is also known as a discrimination attorney, because the concept of civil rights is about all types of discrimination that can be found in the United States. Many lawyers see going into discrimination as not only a way to make money but also as a public service to show that prejudice isn’t something that will be tolerated in the workplace and in society.

Civil rights lawyers have to know all of the laws that are intact in their local city or town, as well as the state that they practice in and the federal laws that involve discrimination. Looking at these laws is only one part of the job of this particular type of lawyer in his or her 40 hour or more work week. Since a discrimination attorney has the duty to serve his or her clientele like any other type of attorney, he or she will have to know how to either defend people who are considered the discriminator or those who get discriminated against depending on what your desire is.

These types of attorneys can either work for a corporation where they can represent the corporation against cases such as these or could open up their own private practice to help those who have been discriminated against. Either way, these lawyers should go through a legal recruiter in order to get the right preparation in becoming a discrimination attorney. Learning the trade can be tough because of the workload but through working with the expert lawyers at Boston Legal Recruitment, you can get a great feel of working within the world of civil rights law.

Some examples of cases that civil rights lawyers take include (and not limited to):

  • Sexual discrimination
  • Racism
  • Religious persecution
  • Wrongful termination (due to a bias stated above)

If you’re interesting in becoming a discrimination attorney in the field of civil rights law, then you should send your curriculum vitae (or CV) to a legal recruiter at Boston Legal Recruitment, and we’ll sit down with you on how to get you into a position that you want to pursue as a lawyer based on your desires.