Personal Injury Attorney/Lawyer
Medical Malpractice Attorney/Lawyer
Criminal Defense Lawyer/Attorney
Common Law/Civil Law
Wrongful Death Attorney/Lawyer
Civil Rights Lawyers
Patent Attorney/Agent
Trademark Attorney/Lawyer
Types of Property Law
Business Lawyer/Attorney
Corporate Lawyer
Tax Attorney/Lawyer
Bankruptcy Lawyer/Attorney
Labor and Employment Attorney/Lawyer
Immigration Lawyer/Attorney
Military Lawyer
Maritime/Admiralty Law
Other Types of Lawyers/Attorneys
Paralegal/Legal Assistant
Legal Nurse Consultant
Title Examiner/Searcher/Abstractor
Law Clerk
Court Clerk
Court Reporter/Stenographer
Legal Administrator
Law Office Manager
Legal Secretary

Criminal Defense Lawyer/Attorney

The most commonly seen area of law in the media whether it’s the news or television shows is that of criminal defense and ideally students just getting out of law school would most likely want to pursue the avenue of becoming a criminal defense lawyer. A criminal defense attorney differs from other lawyers because they don’t have to just focus on one thing within their field since there are so many different crimes that can be covered in this area of law. As a legal recruiter, we at Boston Legal Recruitment get a curriculum vitae (or CV) from many potential attorneys wanting to get into criminal defense.

Within this area of law, the typical crimes that can be taken on by a criminal defense attorney include:

  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Theft (robbery or larceny for example)
  • Fraud (insurance or mail for example)
  • Assault
  • Battery
  • Manslaughter (whether it’s voluntary or involuntary)

These aren’t the only crimes that you would have to take on as a potential criminal defense lawyer since criminal lawyers cover misdemeanors as well as felonies such as the ones stated above. These attorneys will also have to prepare a client’s case prior to defending them within the courtroom. The events of the preparation phase before a client’s case goes to court will include (and not limited to):

  • Meeting and discussing with the client about their side of the story in their case
  • Finding and talking with witnesses to help support your case
  • Do research on your case

As a potential criminal defense lawyer, you’ll learn to both prepare your case and defend your clients with the watch and help of the legal recruiter that hires you. Any legal recruiter has lawyers that have expertise in your field of choice, but Boston Legal Recruitment gives you focused training and will help you in any way possible to become a criminal defense lawyer that is well-rounded and able to take on any task that you desire. We’ve given help that works well because of the many such attorneys that we have on our staff.

The field of criminal defense can get complicated since you’ll have to know the many laws about the various crimes that any criminal defense attorney knows in order to help them win their heavy caseload. These lawyers will work full time, most for over 40 hours a week, so the schedule can be hectic.

If the idea of becoming a criminal defense attorney interests you in any way, then don’t hesitate to send a legal recruiter like us your curriculum vitae and from there, we can talk about which field of law you want to get into in order for us to pair you up with an expert in the field of criminal defense.